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Male, 54 years, born on 3 July 1970

Tashkent, I want to relocate (Australia, Azerbaijan, Algeria, Afghanistan, Bahrain, Vietnam, Germany, Iraq, Iran, Kazakhstan, Canada, Qatar, China, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, New Zealand, Norway, UAE, Oman, Russia, USA, Syria, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan), prepared for business trips

General management

5 000 $ in hand

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day

Work experience 31 year 8 months

March 2007currently
18 years 1 month


Most important achievment - establishe/organize the private company with the stable income on the foreign territory. Being the company founder, I am engaged in - development of new lines of activityes; - rise annual turnover from 0 USD up to 3 500 000 USD in 2 year period; - get license from Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resourses of Kazakhstan for drilling operations of oil and gas wells; - carry out delivery of building materials from Uzbekistan to Kazakhstan; - engaged in advancement of the new goods in the market of building materials of Kazakhstan; - manufacture of confectionery in Almaty is opened; - export of tare products from Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan launched; - the system of cooperation with customs units of the states of customs union is completely studied; - import of FMCG on territory of the states of customs union;
January 2007currently
18 years 3 months
First Drilling Service Company Ltd

Uzbekistan, www.fdsc.ru

General Director - partner
Most important achievment - establishe/organize the private company with the stable income. - first drilling enginiring service company in Uzbekistan founded; - drilling bits service enginiring contracts conclusion and performance; - drilling mud service enginiring contracts conclusion and performance; - coring service enginiring contracts conclusion and performance; - contracts for enginiring support of drilling operations during opening the productive horizons conclusion and performance; - The conclusion and performance of enginiiring contracts to support the drilling operations in the conditions of catastrophic absorption of the mud; - manufacture of spare parts of drilloing mud cleaning systems established; - manufacture of the compose rod for manufacturing and repair of the drilling emergency tool established; - manufacture line of the bronze plugs for drilling pump UNB600 established; - manufacture line of the PDC drilling bits reparement established; - international exhibitions and fairs participated; - Cooperation with SITRONIСS IT on introduction of ERP systems in the Republic Uzbekistan enterprises (presale services);
February 2004February 2007
3 years 1 month
Rinko Alliance Overseas Ltd

Russia, www.rinko.ru

Director - partner
Most important achievment - Jumped in to private Oil ang gas industry busines; Managed over the project with investments of 850 million dollars; Met and communicated with different countries Leaders. - start up company from ZERO point - general management of the company; - development of client db in CIS and Asia; - tax reporting; - budgeting; - contractual work; - conclussion of the contracts with "Uzbekneftegaz" on purchase of drilling bits, CT and CH, the emergency tool; - import of the drilling equipment and materials to the custom territory of the Russian Federation; - export of the drilling equipment and materials from the territory of the Russian Federation; - Introduction of the service forms of co-operation with drilling contractors;
January 2001January 2004
3 years 1 month
NHC "Uzbekneftgaz", JSC "Uzvneshneftgaz"

Uzbekistan, www.ung.uz

Head of Marketing and Tenders
Most important achievment - Oil ang gas industry complitly evaluated; 900mln USD budjet managed. - organized and carryed out the tender auctions; - the prices of the imported equipment for drilling, extraction, processings and oil and gas transportations controled; - partnership communications with manufacturers of the above-stated equipment and materials carryed; - marketing researches for definition of price and qualitative technological parameters of imported materials and the equipment of oil and gas branch managed; - Studying of innovative technologies for introduction within the NHC "Uzbekoilgas" enterprises; - Working out IT system of the monitoring and movement of the products used withing NHC "Uzbekloilgas" system;
March 1997January 2001
3 years 11 months
NHC "Uzbekneftgaz", HC "Uzneftgazstroy", JSC "Neftegazstroykomplekt"

Uzbekistan, www.ung.uz

Head of department in Uzbekistan, Libya, Turkey
Most important achievement - Get skills of big budjet project management in foreign countries. - Planning of a complete set of objects of HC "Uztransgaz"; - Audit of technical and economical Fusibility studies for Compressor Stations Projects, and of the main gas pipelines projects; - Working out of purchase lists of the projects constactions site; - Participation in the gas pipeline engineering project Homs-Tripoli of 169 km (Libya); - Participation in civil-engineering project Compressor Station of Vakha (Libya); - Manage a project country sales program (oils and lubricants) in Turkey;
March 1995February 1997
2 years

Germany, www.uzairways.com

Station Manager in Frankfurt Airport
Most important achievement - Get skills to work under hard presser and make right decisions independently. - daily operations; - land services contracting; - sales; - PR and direct marketing; - marketing and sales strategy researches; - flights operations; - fair and exhibition participations;
August 1993March 1995
1 year 8 months
Uzbekistan Airways, Tashkent Airport

Uzbekistan, www.airport-tashkent.uz

Assistant to Director
Most important achievement - The system of aviation business is completely analysed. - international flights department control; - issuing plans of airport reconstruction; - tenders preparations and control; - preparation and service of the govermental flights; - charters flights preparation and sales; - charter program presale; - charters program control; - openings of new stations abroad;

About me

COMPUTER SKILLS: Microsoft WORD Microsoft EXELL Microsoft POWER POINT; SAP; Oracle; Primavera; SKILLS: -demonstrate potential to identify and win Heavy Lift and projects work: securing, managing and delivering work; - good knowledge of current developments in the oil and gas projects industry; - good knowledge of key figures and influencers in the sector internationally; - demonstrate a high level of commercial awareness with a proven track record of preparing tenders; - presenting to clients; - costing bids; - high level of negotiations; - high level of presentations; - evidence to prove to lead a team and have ‘hands on’ mentality; - proven record of being part of a team delivering projects within time, cost and quality targets; - experience of working in a pro-active manner with the minimum of supervision; - well self organisation; - self motivation skills; - effective team player; - positive approach to management of change; - flexible and willing to travel; - commitment to own professional development; - effective communicator at all levels CHARACTERISTICS: Energetic, responsible, honest, enthusiastic, self-confident, independent, detail orientated, hard working strong leader with a strong sense of hospitality, ability to set high standards towards myself and surrounding colleagues, grow further and inspire a team; capable of working in fast changing surrounding and adjust to the needs of organization.

Higher education

Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies
International Economics Relations, International Economics
Tashkent State University
Oriental Studies, History



ArabicA1 — Basic

EnglishC2 — Proficiency

FrenchA1 — Basic

KazakhC1 — Advanced

PersianC1 — Advanced

TajikC1 — Advanced

TatarC1 — Advanced

TurkishC1 — Advanced

UyghurC1 — Advanced

UzbekC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

IT skill, certificate
Loewe University of Belgium
Development Manager skills, certificate

Tests, examinations

Driver License
Special Courses, Class "A", "B"

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Uzbekistan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan, Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter